Client facing life in prison - case dismissed
Valuable evidence gathered in worker’s comp violation
Client charged with trespassing - dismissed after aggressive investigation
Missing person found within two days
Client charged with maliciously damaging a motor vehicle - dismissed
Client facing life in prison - charge dismissed
Estranged family member - by using technology, we were able to provide the family with photographs of the family member’s vehicle and show them numerous locations where their loved one had been. Family member subsequently returned home.
Corporate fraud investigation - by checking public records and court documents, we were able to provide potential fraudulent practices by a business owner
Child support proceeding - we were able to provide information to a client that led to increase of child support
Juvenile Court care and protection matter - while conducting surveillance on a drug addicted individual, we observed him in commission of a crime. All evidence was turned over to the client’s attorney.
Worker’s Comp violation - we were able to obtain evidence for a local school district regarding an employee that couldn’t work. This information was provided to the school district in anticipation of disciplinary action.
Client charged with assaulting a hospital security officer - by conducting an aggressive investigation, we were able to discover a troubling background of the alleged victim. Case dismissed.
Default on civil judgment - by working with local contacts and agencies, we were able to cordially speak with the individual that was in default and arrange for him to go to the courthouse and take care of the matter at hand.
$80,000 in child support debt - we were able to locate the defendant and by working cooperatively with a local deputy sheriff, we were able to transport him to family court.
Client charged with assault and battery during a bar fight - aggressive investigation led to charges being dismissed
Client charged with assault and battery of an EMT - after aggressive investigation and attack of the elements of the crime, the case ultimately resulted in a not guilty verdict.
Civil neighbor dispute - We were able to gather surveillance footage of one of the litigants engaging in activities that were passed on to the attorney. It resulted in significant help to the case.
Client brutally assaulted by his neighbors - We were hired after an inadequate police investigation. We conducted a thorough investigation into the client’s assault and provided him with a detailed report he presented to the police department which resulted in serious charges against those that assaulted him.
Client charged with domestic assault- By thoroughly investigating the police report, visiting and photographing the scene, and interviewing witnesses, the case was dismissed.
Worker Comp Violation- We were able to collect images of a party engaged in activities in violation of Worker Comp Rules. Passed on to attorney for further litigation.
Client facing serious charges in a shooting, gets only time served prior to trial, after aggressive investigation and close work with investigator and attorney.
Two counts of domestic violence- Poor police investigation discovered by investigators led to dismissal of both charges
Surveillance of a significant other led to positive discovery and peace of mind for the client
Client facing multiple felony break in charges- Dismissed
Client facing minimum mandatory on a firearm charge has all charges dismissed after an exhaustive investigation scrutinized the evidence and assisted in a dismissal.
Client charged with felony fraud receives a continuance without a finding instead of jail after we assisted the attorney with a strategic defense.
Questionable domestic violence charges aimed at getting citizenship through a victim program investigated aggressively and subsequently dismissed.
Felony charges dismissed after aggressively investigating facts and compiling a defense of “self defense”.
Valuable evidence gathered in family court matter after strategic and coordinated surveillance.
Client has charges reduced after providing exculpatory evidence to attorney
Shoplifting case dismissed after affidavit to court by investigator shows elements of crime did not exist
Subject wanted on Child Support capias located after strategic interviews of his acquaintances yield location
Client found not guilty of felony assault after locating and subpoena of key witness